VF-2SS Valkyrie II -Transformation-
Marvelous Three-mode Tranformation, the True Value of Valkyrie

Even though Valkyrie consists of simple components, it can transform to the most appropriate mode among Battroid, Gerwalk and Fighter in accordance with tactical situations. However, undefended state will be exposed during mode change. As a countermeasure of this weak point, Valkyrie II adopted Zentradian technology of special magnetic coating on joint parts overloaded. Then transform process has become smoother and quicker to shortened time by half. Of course, it is a story of anime plot.

The Lost 1/144 Garage Kit
The models on this page was made by Yukio Ageta with his a lot of arrangement based on the prototype resin cast kit mastered by G-PORT.
The prototype kit was not transformable. The above three-mode sequence was totally his original creation by scrupulous planning and skillful modeling. What's an astonishing work!
Battroid model on the left was made as an free standing stature with only modification on its proportion.
Size of 1/144 Valkyrie model is similar to that of 1/220 Gundam series. This scale range is also interesting for collectors of Valkyrie. I wish all three modes should have produced in 1/144. It is pity that G-PORT didn't realize their original plan.