

Thanks for Worldwide Access

Now this VF-2SS Valkyrie II fan site has been accessed from 15 countries worldwide.

I am glad to recognise that many people are interested in this nice mecha-design and I hope most of them have the same wish for new production of the full transformable model of VF-2SS Valkyrie II in 1/100 and 1/144 at least.

There are some nice websites to introduce VF-2SS Valkyrie II as well as mine, but they are not connected each other systematically. In order to expand Valkyrie II fans' network more and more, I propose to establish a dedicated portal site only for VF-2SS Valkyrie II. Does anybody have a nice idea?


Welcome to Valkyrie II Fan Site!!!

I opened Japanese fan site of Valkyrie II on 2nd October 2010. And today, in 3rd November I finally opened its English version here. Thank you very much for your visit.

Valkyrie II is a quite nice mecha-design and I regard it as the best anime robot ever from the viewpoint of model fans.

In Japan, unfortunately Valkyrie II is not known well because the animation film "Macross II" had a very bad reputation (actually bad) thus information of Valkyrie II had been put away from any media and toy series for a long period. There must be unreasonable pressure from creators of other Macross series by some reasons. 

On the other hand, people in foreign countries can purely find the goodness of Valkyrie II because such ugly conflict between creators in Japan doesn't affect on their evaluation for its mecha-design.

Therefore I am expecting foreign fans to share the passion for VF-2SS Valkyrie II much more than Japanese domestic fans. Thus I opened this site in English.

Welcome to my Valkyrie II fan site. Please enjoy it.

As I am using free "Cloud-line" CMS designed in Japan, some words can't be shown in English. I believe they don't disturb your visit to this site.


English Version for International Fans

I opened Japanese Valkyrie II fan site on 2nd October 2010.

As Valkyrie II is more popular in overseas than in Japan, so I decided to open the same site in English for international fans of Valkyrie II all over the world.

In Japan, there is an easy and convenient web service with cloud computing CMS. It is called Cloud-line that is marked as the domain name of this site. I can use it by free of charge and make a such nice website.

Today I started creating an international version of my fan site "Passion for VF-2SS Valkyrie II" in English.


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Valkyrie II Fan Club

My strong ambition is to establish an international Valkyrie II Fan Club and to request model manufacturers incl. Bandai to produce full transformable Valkyrie II scale models (plastic kit & action figure). So all Valkyrie II fans, would you kindly help me, please?


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